Dialogues about the future

On October 17 and 18, a project session on modeling the image of the desired future at the turn of 2100 was held in Moscow. The dynamic strategic game has united under its leadership both Russian and foreign youth in order to draw up a "map of the desired future."

Center For Modeling The Future
Dialogues about the future
Project session on modeling the image of the desired future at the turn of 2100 within the framework of the Horizon 2100 project
Author-developer and head of the International Youth Project "HORIZON 2100", Ph.D., Chairman of the Council of the Center for Modeling the Future
Moderator of the project session, Ph.D., applied futurologist, ideologue of transhumanism, speaker and consultant, director of the company "NeuroCode"
Objectives of the project session
Formation of skills for vision of the future, ideas about possible trends and future events, focused on the needs of future generations
Drawing up a "map of the desired future" describing the main possible events that will affect the achievement of the desired goals
The participants in the session agree on their positions regarding significant factors affecting the achievement of the goals
Creating a roadmap for the strategy of shaping the desired image of the future
About the project session
On October 17 and 18, a project session on modeling the image of the desired future at the turn of 2100 was held in Moscow. The dynamic strategic game has united under its leadership both Russian and foreign youth in order to draw up a "map of the desired future."

It all starts from childhood, with "playing in fictional worlds." Those who do not stop in their thoughts set everyone and everything in motion. It is the dreamers who pave the way for tomorrow. A lot of such great names sounded at the session: Jacques Fresco, Karl Marx, Jules Verne, K.E. Tsiolkovsky. These people are futurists to one degree or another. They, describing the future, dictated to us the image of Tomorrow. Now humanity lives according to their forecasts. But the time has come for the New Generation. The future is being made here and now! As a result of two days of work, all teams have developed projects and their timeline - up to 2100. Awareness, transhumanity and rationality of actions are the prerogative of their work. The ethics of dreams have become a guiding star on the entire road to thinking about the future.

As the Doctor of Philosophy and Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Suheil Farah, noted, addressing the participants via online communication: "Dreaming, know that there are areas that should not be interfered with, such is the human genome."

I would also like to note that two of the seven teams managed to communicate using digital technologies. Their communication took place in a remote format, which even improved the process of sharing thoughts, ideas and forecasts. New century, new opportunities! Irina Lvovna Osokina became the organizer of the session and also the inspirer . "Let's get inspired with the desire to build the future, fantasize it, let's think without barriers!"

Remarkable is the phrase of one of the experts, futurologist and visionary, author of two telegram channels about the future and 4 technological order (w20to, mustreat) Gina Kolesnikova: "Cooperation is a great foundation for a great future!" With these words, he stressed the importance of the process of creating ideas for the development of the future. Only together we will build Tomorrow!

The groundwork for the future has already been given. The session moderator, Danila Medvedev, spoke about the creation of the School of Futurology in January. And Vladislav Leonov, a researcher at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of the International Academy for Future Research, expressed an interest in finding young minds. Every month conferences are held in the academy, where leading scientists gather: astronomers, physicists, economists. Intellectual youth will have the opportunity to take part in seminars, as well as travel to Crimea for the Youth Forum "Forecasting the Future".

Invited experts
Scientific supervisor of the HORIZON 2100 Project, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vice President of the Academy of Forecasting, member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky
Professor, President of the Open University of the Dialogue of Civilizations, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Education
Minister of Economy of Russia in 1992-93, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the PRUE G. V. Plekhanova, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Informatization.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Researcher, Department of Solar System Research, Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Co-founder of the Russian office, Singularity University, futurist and visionary
Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting, Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, HSE
More information in the section
Modeling the vision of various models of the future
Formation of project ideas and parameters of foresight projects within each model
Building roadmaps for the possible development of various models of the future
Modeling a shared vision of the desired future.
Protection of the presentation of the project work of each team
Completion of the project session

Facilitators of project teams
A facilitator is a discussion organizer whose purpose is to facilitate communication between a group of people.
Olsha Lashko

Group facilitator "Models of the future of the Earth's ecosystem and the life of mankind"

Maxim Ilyin
Facilitator of the "Models of the Future World" group

Balint Bakk

Facilitator of the group "Models of AI and Hybrid Intelligence"

Vladislav Andryukhin

Facilitator of the "Models of the Future of Key World Agents and Actors" group

Lyubov Kravchenko

Facilitator of the group "Models of the human of the future and its development"

Violetta Kulikova
Facilitator of the group "Models of the future of science and technology, key technologists"
To study important topics, 6 teams were allocated, two of which worked online
Models of the Future World Team
Facilitator - Ilyin Maxim
The Mir bloc put forward a philosophical concept of setting and achieving the goals of mankind using a control system. Explanation: Mega-region leaders will have access to a comprehensive data system to help guide the way and how to achieve important universal goals.
Team "Models of the future of key world agents and actors"
Facilitator - Vladislav Andryukhin
"Man-Creator" is a project that will reveal the potential of man as the crown of nature, create the best conditions for the formation of a typical "Man-Creator" aimed at the realization of higher needs.
Team "Models of the future of the Earth's ecosystem and human life"
Facilitator - Olga Lashko
The participants asked about the creation of a "Unified system of automated control of transport and tracks", the purpose of which would be to build an international logistics system, as well as make the interstate track space open.
AI Development Models, Future Economy and Industry Convergence Team
Facilitator - Balint Bakk
"Digital Fortune Teller" - a program that provides the dissemination of reliable information to prevent digital wars and real victims.
Team "Models of the future of science and technology; key technologies (ONLINE)"
Facilitator - Violetta Kulikova
Team "Models of the person of the future and his development (ONLINE)"
Facilitator - Lyubov Kravchenko
Consolidated forecast from 7 working groups

World Development by 2050


Prostheses of all limbs and organs work better than the originals, exoskeletons are available for the middle class (if there is one in 2050)

Anabiosis of living people is legal, the first patients have been successfully defrosted.

Human brain mapped


  • Full-size bioprinting
  • AI replicas
  • Cryonics is destigmatized, proven, popular
  • Cyborgization (augmentation)
  • widespread use of nanorobots in medicine
  • active use of prosthetics and implants for certain professions
  • non-invasive heart and brain surgery
  • Personalized medicine
  • Experiments on humans

World management

Population about 9.7 billion by 2050. Providing the population with free housing, food, water and the right to use human knowledge bases

by 2050 the main actors and corporations signed the Charter of the Goals for Peace

A new development concept is approved

AI-powered ecosystem forecasting and regulation

Development of productive forms of interaction between economic actors

There are established standards and international institutions to regulate the improvement of human DNA, in the countries of the first world almost no children are born with diseases preventable by genome editing

Transformation of the UN into an Institute of Control

The emergence of new international organizations (logistics, information). Weakening of TNCs.

The "Nan-people" themselves are connected to the development of industries

Materials and production

Massive use of graphene

Energy efficiency has surpassed classic fuels. The use of solid-state (electrolyte) and graphene batteries. Working nanoassembler


  • Expedition to Mars
  • implemented
  • The beginning of mining on asteroids

Labor productivity of a person and a team increased by 15% from 2020

Specialized training of specialists for a building using Virtual Reality

World development by 2100


We get "Human Creator" instead of "Human Consumer"

More than 50% of the human genome has been mapped and understood, and opportunities are being explored for radical optimization and restructuring at all levels - from the cellular to the anatomy of the whole organism. Fully synthetic living tissue

IT (artificial bodies) is a technology accepted and available to many. The proportion of body parts replaced is about 2%. Viable human body (artificially created). Manufacturing of implants in clinics in a large number of cities, equipment availability

Anabiosis is a consensus normal part of society, most do not doubt its feasibility and availability, it is included in the insurance packages of all large companies

Consciousness upload success


Personal AI assistants

Human digital avatars

Human AI. The ETHICS of artificial intelligence has been developed, based on human qualities: humanity, kindness, justice, conscience, etc.


Approval of a single concept of global culture

Successful functioning of the model of national-cultural autonomies

Population will reach 11.2 billion by 2100

Preventive resolution of conflicts (before they occur) (conflicts, disputes)

The Life Cycle Management System for Humanity Goals has been developed

Mars colony


Labor productivity of a person and a team increased by 50% from 2020

Achieved close to 100% recycling of products from graphene. The world of "complete rework" has been created

Energy sources with a service life of thousands of years have been created: beta-galvanic batteries, based on carbon 14, quantum

Putting data clusters into orbit

International Youth Organization Team
A good team is the key to a successful event!
Anaka Satish
Chief coordinator of the youth organizing group
Natalia Kovalkina

PR coordinator International Youth organizational group

Ivan Leschev

International Youth Organizing Group technical support

Sanaeva Julia

Member of the International Organizing Group, assistant moderator

Veronica Ledneva

Member of the International organizational group

Anastasia Kyarimova

Member of the International Organizing Group, Press Secretary

Photo report
To see more photos - see albums in our Vkontakte or Facebook groups !
Liked: Material (structure and sequence), presentations, platform for entering parameters (I made a discovery for myself). The operator and facilitators provided the necessary assistance and active participation.
Very comfortable atmosphere, venue and coffee break (very thoughtful).

Daniil Shchukin

A friendly atmosphere, many interesting ideas were expressed, the organizer and moderator are open, make contact and help throughout the day. That's cool!

Starovoitov Alexander

I liked how everything was organized, how the moderator spoke, the instructions and accuracy of presentation!

Biyushkina Anna

High-quality organization
I am very pleased with the event!

Predein Klim

Liked: the cohesion and collaboration between the teams, the technical equipment of the coworking space, the organization of the event, delicious coffee breaks, the friendliness of the facilitators.

Bikbau Albina

Our partners
The material basis for the implementation of the international youth project "HORIZON 2100" and, in particular, "the Project session on modeling the future at the turn of 2100, is the support of the Presidential Grants Fund, material, technical and organizational support of the Moscow House of Public Organizations, the Center for Modeling the Future and the GRANI Charitable Foundation WORLD ".

The project is funded by a grant from the Presidential Grants Foundation for the Development of Civil Society to Non-Profit Organizations.
Using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund