Introduction. Today in our world we observe many trends in the development of the human habitat. The main habitat is the city. In fact, the city is a place of attraction for many people. This was especially evident in the 21st century in the era of post-industrial development of society, which is characterized by the development of the service sector, new technologies. In this type of society, the sphere of information and services comes first.
The goal is to update the issues: Today, when modern man is forced to respond to the numerous challenges of globalization, he risks finding himself in a rapidly changing environment tomorrow. Therefore, right now humanity needs to predict and develop various technologies in advance that will help it not only survive in certain new conditions, but also continue its activities.
- to determine the variations of a possible vital environment for human survival;
- predict changes in the form of life activity.
The main part. In the 20th century, we begin to observe different ideas about society and about their life. These are such films as: the "Star Wars" trilogy, "Blade Runner", "Robocop", "Back to the Future". There were also such performances in the USSR: "Planet of Storms", "Mystery of the third planet", "Guests from the future", etc. In these films, we are more interested not in the plot itself, but in how people imagined the future, mainly a journey through space, the appearance of robots, flying machines, etc.
These trends appear in our time in our culture – movies, games, TV series, books, scientific articles, etc. Also, apart from the fact that all this is shown in our development of society. Consider the areas of habitat development.
City development-urbanism.
For the construction of a housing complex in the future, other materials will be used than before. Robots will build cities and villages, new digital technologies will be used, characteristic in the year 2100. The interior and design of apartments and private houses will change a lot compared to 2022. There will be a program to improve cities and villages - "smart city and village" in 2100, thanks to this program, all cities and villages will develop in the field of digital society as a whole.
Ecology and artificial intelligence.
In 2100, perhaps people will give up gasoline and diesel fuel, since they will all drive electric cars. [3] Public transport in the future will be very fast and large in number of places, and will also be available in places where there was no public transport. All this will greatly affect the economy and ecology of the territory. New jobs will also be created, since the same power plants need to be serviced for recharging. [2]
The cars will have a built-in voice assistant that will help you build a route from home to the theater, electric cars will have autopilot mode, and there will also be a change in the color and shape of cars in 2100.
Due to the fact that the development of robotics and technology is beginning, there is a process of unemployment, as couriers are replaced by robots that will bring home orders instead of them. [4]
In the future, people want to make robots in the service sector. This will contribute to an increase in unemployment and the quality of goods and services, as well as to a decrease in manufacturing defects. Robots and humans will live together in our world. This thesis will be confirmed by the work of lawyers who begin to describe the legal status of artificial intelligence. [4]
However, despite the positive aspects of settlement, there are also negative ones that can also affect our future.
It is obvious that today the world, we can say, has come to a red line - the existence of man on the earth's surface has become unsafe: deadly viruses, including COVID-19, mutations, the threat from the use of nuclear and chemical weapons, large-scale fires, earthquakes, etc. A. Belyaev asked this question in the work "Amphibian Man". Is it possible in your opinion to create a technology that would allow people to live and work in the seas and oceans? Can the aquatic environment become an alternative for human habitation and vital activity, its protection from global threats? What kind of technology would you create? The sea keeps its secrets...No, I will never exchange the sea for your stuffy, dusty land...It is easier to find a familiar fish in the ocean than a person in this human whirlpool. Life is everywhere in the ocean - from the equator to the poles, from the surface to depths of almost tens of kilometers. [1]
Conclusion. Thus, we see that the development of human activity in an urban area remains relevant, since there are many factors that will affect the development of our world. These factors can have both positive and negative dynamics. To all new conditions, a person will have to adapt.
Already now it is necessary to make attempts to find ways to solve these problems if they arise. To do this, it is necessary to conduct scientific research at the interdisciplinary level (at the junction of several scientific directions, organize conferences, round tables, congresses and forums at the international level, create and support youth research projects on this topic, create a certain media discourse on this topic).
List of sources used
1. Belyaev A. Amphibian man.
2. Future cities: key development trends [electronic resource] – URL: https://urban.ranepa.ru/intervyu/kirill-ignatev/budushchee-gorodov-klyuchevye-trendy-razvitiya -/ (accessed: 11/29/2022).
3. Talking cars. "Yandex" equip cars with a voice assistant [Electronic resource] – URL: https://www.forbes.ru/tehnologii/362323-govoryashchie-avtomobili-yandeks-osnastit-mashiny-golosovym-pomoshchnikom (Accessed: 11/29/2022).
4. Morkhat, P.M. The legal personality of artificial intelligence units and responsibility for their actions / P.M. Morkhat // Law and the State: theory and practice. 2017 – No. 11(155) – pp. 32-36.
5. Sukharev, O.S. Smart City and Territory: Overcoming the structural gap / O.S. Sukharev // Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2022 – No. 1 – C.68-84.