The relevance of scientific research.
We live in the era of visual content. Design is of great importance in the formation of a brand. First we look at the visual component, and then we interact with the product.
The design user interface creates communication between a person and the digital world.
The graphical user interface began its development 30 years ago. During this time, he has changed a lot. It all started with the usual command line, which required a lot of knowledge to interact with.
Now almost everyone has a phone in their pocket that displays the user interface. Thanks to this contact, custom design began to have a very strong impact on all of humanity, socially and culturally. A lot of questions arise. How does society and culture influence this? How does the interface affect a person's perception? What changes are taking place and how will the design change in the future?
The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the research is to develop a new direction for the development of interface design.
This goal determines the need to solve the following scientific tasks:
- to summarize the accumulated information about how the interface design has evolved;
- consider different interface design styles;
- suggest a new design direction.
Methodology of scientific research. During the research, general scientific methods were widely used: observation; historical and comparative types of analysis.
The scientific novelty of the work consists in the development of a new direction for the development of interface design based on mental, emotional, medical, financial and geographical data, which, based on these data, will adapt to each individual of society.
Design began its existence in the XIX century along with the emergence of an artistic movement called "Art and Crafts".
In the XX century, the industrial revolution began, which became the engine of the development of society, which influenced the emergence of the "modernism" design trend. Modernism sought to level everything, wanted to create everything unified for each industry.
The Bauhaus is the first design educational institution in Germany. The most important program of the school is functionalism.
By the beginning of the XX century, modernism "did not take root" in society. The long and bloody wars of that century showed the inconsistency of modernist ideas based on rationality. The so-called "postmodernism" appears in the European part of the globe. Now people have begun to pay more attention to cultural significance, rather than material. Postmodernism did not contain strict frameworks, which distinguished it from functionalism.
Already in the XX century, postmodernism begins to fade, the crisis of ideas begins. His ideas, based mainly on the rejection of any discourse, as well as the relativity of universal values, are not durable, from which he did not exist for a long time.
Minimalism has been growing in the field of design for several years. Designers want to optimally establish interaction with users and make the interface without complex elements. For example, using a dark theme in the interface, which is rapidly gaining popularity. It reduces the strain on the eyes, and also saves the phone charge.
Skewomorphism is an outdated style in design. It is based on a picture with an imitation of volume, which is achieved with the help of light, shadow, glare, texture. It appeared with the very first graphics systems so that people who had not been able to use gadgets before could figure out where they could click. Skewomorphism is beginning to disappear from modern interfaces, because people have already learned to distinguish the interface of programs without unnecessary glare and textures. The user interface and the Internet have become the basis of people's daily lives, and skewomorphism has lost its former functionality. Already in 2010, flat design began to spread widely. This is what we always see when we open a smartphone. [Appendix 1]
The flat design eliminated almost the entire interface surface, with the exception of the most important elements — lines, shapes and colors. For users and commercial companies, this style was very suitable: it was cheaper and easier to make it, and it was well received by society.
The flat design appeared as a response to the aging skewomorphism. When users learned how to interact with the interface, the realism of the elements became superfluous. Designers have changed the concept of components and created this style.
Information is transmitted through icons, abstractions, and other interactions. People have already learned how to interact with digital patterns. The flat design solved all the physical rules of skeomorphism.
Traditional flat design options are based solely on the two-dimensional essence of the screen. Do not rely on the real world, such as glare, shadows or transparencies with texture. [Appendix 2]
Some further variants of this style began to use 3D representation of layers, in the form of transparency, shadows and gradients. [Appendix 3]
Neomorphism is a new trend in design, which is a return to the origins of skewomorphism. The trend was picked up by many designers from Dribble. It all started with the release of the iPhone 13 with a new interface design, where they showed not a flat design, but a realistic one.
Now skewomorphism has received a new development and a new name - neomorphism. He combined the concept of skewomorphism and flat design. Neomorphism shows a style that combines background color, shapes, gradients, highlights and shadows, the interface looks like "pure plastic", as three-dimensional.
One of the main advantages of neomorphism is modernity and flexibility, it can be perfectly combined with various new trends. It can create a customized interface. It is suitable for large products that come in or out of windows or interface components. The apparent simplicity of the neomorphic parts of the interface has a great advantage. In addition to simplicity, the realism of neomorphism can make parts of the user interface more tangible and help users interact with them.
Neomorphism has some accessibility issues. Neomorphism to achieve a soft appearance can make it difficult to read the signs. For example, sometimes it's not clear if you can press the button because of the small contrast. Consumers sometimes don't understand which part of the interface is currently interactive. Neomorphic elements can cause problems for people with color blindness. But, if neomorphism creates a certain balance in order to be well perceived by everyone, it will be able to establish itself as the user interface of the future. [Appendix 4]
I think that neomorphism has a huge potential, which lies in the combination of physical elements with the digital world. It's like a 3D world. Classics will always exist, and what is modern must pass the test of time… If we look even further, think about what awaits us in the distant future? I think the development of design is cyclical.
Initially there was a skewomorphism, then it was replaced by a flat design, and now neomorphism is gaining popularity, which is a return to the origins of skewomorphism. The user interface has already been invented, new gadgets and devices, machines and robots will appear, but interaction with the interface will not change, because nothing is more convenient than a keyboard, mouse, and touch screen has not yet been invented.
Virtual reality is narrowly focused, most people need to be constantly on the Internet when they go to work or ride public transport, and in a virtual reality helmet it will be impossible. 90% of office workers use a keyboard for typing, no one will use augmented reality for this work, it's not convenient, and you can't spend a lot of time in a virtual reality helmet for medical reasons.
I think there will be a gradual combination of user interface in the future. New developments in science and technology will directly influence human perception. This can be an instant collection of information necessary for the user and its processing, based on the intellectual abilities of the user. There will be new gadgets that will adjust the individual interface, using the personal preferences of the owner and his condition. The gadget will read body temperature, hormone levels, emotions and build an interface from these data. He can interact with the user not only visually, but also through imitation of smells and feelings, and designers of the future will deal with all this.
For example, when the temperature rises or a person becomes ill, the interface will reduce the brightness and sharpness of the picture so as not to strain his eyes. With a decrease in the hormone endorphin, the interface will change to the most cheerful and bright to increase its release. With the help of neural networks, the device will determine the preferences and character of the user. When you register in the device, you have to pass the test. The sensor on the gadget will read your temperature and the release of hormones. Through the camera to determine your emotions. Neural networks will analyze your mental, family, medical, financial, geographical data.
In accordance with the conducted research of the society of the future, the following conclusions can be formulated.
User design is developing quite slowly nowadays.
Initially there was a skewomorphism, then it was replaced by a flat design, and now neomorphism is gaining popularity, which is a return to the origins of skewomorphism.
In the future, thanks to technology, the interface will adjust itself, regardless of you. I think it will meet the needs of future generations. After all, it is quite difficult sometimes to understand and assimilate this or that information. I propose the concept of "Neoindividuality", when the interface will change based on your mental abilities and state in general. This will help schoolchildren interact with the digital world, it will solve the problem of people with poor eyesight, with mental disabilities, the interface will become more convenient and accessible to all segments of society. After all, the interface is not only a picture, it is the delivery of information through the digital world to a person.
Appendix 1
An example of skewomorphism in the interface. All the buttons look like real ones.
Appendix 2
An example of a flat design, nothing superfluous, a simple user interface.
How the iPhone design has changed, from skeomorphism to flat design
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
An example of modern neomorphism
list of used literature
1. Neumorphic Rebound of Nomad iOS UI Kit URL: https://dribbble.com/shots/10006635-Neumorphic-Rebound-of-Nomad-iOS-UI-Kit (accessed: 11/25/2022)
2. Shutterstock URL: https://www.shutterstock.com/ru/image-vector/vector-user-interface-collection-on-off-115568662 (accessed: 11/21/2022)
3. Skeuomorphs URL: https://qz.com/emails/quartz-obsession/1825310/skeuomorphs (accessed: 11/21/2022)
4. What is Google Material Design? URL: https://dreamonkey.com/en/blog/what-is-google-material-design (accessed: 11/22/2022)
5. URL DESIGN HISTORY: https://oformitelblok.ru/istoriya-dizayna.html (accessed: 11/20/2022)
6. Neomorphism in interface design: what is it and how to use it correctly https://idbi.ru/blogs/blog/neomorfizm-v-dizayne-interfeysov (accessed: 11/22/2022)
7. Neomorphism in the URL user interface: https://deadsign.ru/ui/neumorphism-in-user-interfaces (accessed: 11/23/2022)
8. Flat website design — examples of successful URL solutions: https://tilda.education/articles-flat-design (accessed: 11/22/2022)
9. Flat Design: Features and best examples for inspiration URL: https://idbi.ru/blogs/blog/ploskiy-dizayn (accessed: 11/22/2022)
10. Do you miss skewomorphism? I'm not. URL: https://www.iphones.ru/iNotes/642804 (accessed: 11/22/2022)
11. What is neomorphism? Let's analyze the neomorphism in terms of URL accessibility: https://ux.pub/editorial/chto-takoie-nieomorfizm-davaitie-razbieriem-nieomorfizm-s-tochki-zrieniia-dostupnosti-14em (accessed: 11/25/2022)