Author: Команда "Будущее глобального мира и международных отношений" / Тeam "Future of the Global World and Interational Realationships"
We started working on the team name, slogan, logo. Also, the task was to determine the main provisions of the work, arranging them in the presentation.
Team name
Composition of the team: leader - Tazayan Roza Lernikovna, judges - Fedyulin Roman Sergeevich, Rudkovsky Artem Vitalievich, chronicler - Chuvashev Andrey Romanovich, speechwriter - Kulikova Valeria Sergeevna.
Slogan: "Historians care about the bright past, journalists about the bright present, predictors about the bright future"
Logo: in the center of the canvas is the Earth, framed by laurel leaves, under the Earth is the inscription 2100, at the top is the word “Predictors”.
Key words: economy, unification, technology, modernization.
1. Kohl technology took the course
Development, unification.
That is the inevitable choice of the brave -
Economic modernization.
2. Technical procrastination leads
to economic degradation.
Political machinations cause
sociological modernization.
Goal: to develop a concept for the future of the global world, the world and Russian economy by 2030.
We divided the problems into three categories: the global world, the world economy, and the domestic economy.
Global peace: an acute crisis in the international system for maintaining peace and security.
This problem is associated with such trends in the world as:
• An increase in the number of armed conflicts on the territory of the former USSR.
• Political instability in the Middle East and Africa.
• Unipolar world order.
• Sanctions policy.
• Inactivity of international human rights institutions (UN).
• The stratification of society according to economic and geographical criteria.
• Depreciation of the norms of international law.
• Restriction of the sovereign rights of certain countries.
World economy: degradation of the world economy.
The problem is caused by:
• The collapse of the world economy into subsystems.
• Isolation and autonomy of subsystems.
• The crisis of the capitalist idea.
Domestic economy: the rapid isolation of the Russian economy.
At the core: the rapid isolation of the Russian economy.
What solutions do we offer today? Need to:
1. Establish a strong relationship with the UN, as with the leading world organization, since its participation in the development of the economy and the stabilization of the political situation is necessary.
2. Use the principle of collectivism and the formula - 50% for the state, 50% for the UN.
3. Ensure guaranteed equality of nations for self-determination.
4. Introduce a sanctions mechanism by the UN for the use of armed force outside the borders of the state without UN sanctions.
5. Create a global market under the auspices of the UN.
6. Prohibit the imposition of economic sanctions without a UN Security Council resolution.
We decided to take a different approach to creating a presentation, removed a lot of text, tried to insert more pictures and gifs. We added a profession for which everyone is studying to the team, increased the amount of interaction through rhetorical questions ("Do we really want this?") and through calls to action (Friends, I suggest you think ...). Removed time-consuming transitions from the presentation.
Added inflation statistics in the EU from official sites.
Added points to the problems of the Russian economy:
1. Low level of labor productivity.
2. Not enough frames.
3. Backlog of light industry.
Problem solving has been added to each item.
Global world:
1. Move to a multipolar world order based on a reformed UN system.
2. Develop a new architecture for the international security system.
3. Support the idea of creating a single corporate international system.
World economy:
1. Create a decentralized global economy 2.0 based on blockchain technologies.
2. Combine industry 4.0 and blockchain technologies into a new tool to overcome the problems of the modern capitalist system.
3. Introduce a stock management mechanism
4. Use Polanyi's theory of reciprocal exchange.
Domestic economy:
1. Lower the interest rate by the Central Bank
2. Go to the space industry.
3. Integrate into a new world order based on modern institutions.
4. Open borders for "smart" migration.
5. Create a tnink-tank in the synergy of the state structure to make innovative decisions.