Cherkasov Sergey

In 1986, he entered the Kuibyshev Medical Institute named after D.I.Ulyanov at the Faculty of Medicine. His studies were interrupted during his service in the Soviet Army (Moscow Air Defense District). During his studies, he twice became the winner of the All-Russian competition of student scientific papers, was the head of the student scientific circle. He graduated from the Institute with honors. Two years after graduating from the institute, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Clinical and diagnostic possibilities of predicting gestosis." After the defense, he worked in practical healthcare before entering doctoral studies. In 2002, after completing his doctoral studies, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Ways to optimize the model of outpatient monitoring of pregnant women in a large city."

In 2001, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Department of Health and Pharmacy of the Ulyanovsk region. In this position, he oversaw the reform of the network of medical institutions, evaluating the effectiveness of medical organizations, organizing inter-district centers, and creating an information medical network (2001-2003).

While working as the head of the Health Department of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, he headed the project on the modernization of urban health care (2005) and carried out scientific management of the WHO Healthy Cities program in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region (2004-2007) with the rank of advisor to the mayor.

After moving to Samara, he was entrusted with the creation and management of the Faculty of Economics and Health Management at Samara State Medical University (2006-2010). At the same time, he received a higher economic education in the specialty "Finance and Credit" (diploma with honors).

In Moscow, he led the creation of a distance learning environment at the Medical College of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2010-2014), with the use of which a large number of distance education and professional training courses were conducted in several Federal Districts of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, on behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, he headed the WHO Collaborating Center on the Family of International Classifications in the Russian Federation. During the work, the ICD-10 was translated and adapted into Russian (2014-2016), coding support centers were established in the regions, and more than 2,000 coding specialists were trained in all regions of the Russian Federation.

He supervised more than 10 scientific topics and projects in the field of healthcare organization and research of public health and the social sphere as a chief researcher at the N.A.Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health

Since 2019, on behalf of FANO, he has been working on the creation of a laboratory for public health management at the V.A.Trapeznikov Scientific Research Institute for Management Problems. He created a youth scientific school on the problem of management and planning in healthcare.

He is a member of the Expert Council on Healthcare at the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries. 2 Doctors of Sciences and 14 candidates of sciences have been trained under his leadership.

Scientific and pedagogical experience of 22 years (since 2001) as a senior lecturer, and then professor of the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization of Ulyanovsk State University, Professor of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare of Samara State Medical University, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 of Samara State Medical University, Professor of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare, Economics health care of the RNIMU. N.I.Pirogov, Head of the Department of Public Health and Public Health of the Moscow Medical Institute REAVIZ.

Author of more than 350 publications in the field of organization of medical care at the regional and institutional level, comparative analysis of the effectiveness of organizational models of healthcare, economic problems with healthcare, risk factors for the progression of pathological conditions.

He believes that the issues of social aspects of medical activity, healthcare organization, preservation and strengthening of the potential of public health are extremely relevant at the present stage of society's development and the Department of Healthcare Organization, Public Health and the History of Medicine of the Russian State Medical University should become a scientific and methodological leader in this area of scientific knowledge and pedagogical competencies.