Olga Andrianova

Education and place of work: Bauman Moscow State Technical University, specialty "Applied Mathematics"
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty "System analysis, management
and information Processing"
Senior Researcher at the V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Associate Professor of the Department of Integrated Cybersystems at MIPT
Mathematics teacher at the Skysmart online school (Skyeng)

Deals with the tasks of robust control and identification based
on differential neural networks with applications for models of robotic systems


1. Ilya Nachevsky, Olga Andrianova, Isaac Chairez, and Alexander Poznyak. Differential Neural
Network Identifier for Dynamical Systems With Time-Varying State Constraints. IEEE Transactions
on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3326450
2. Isaac Chairez, Olga Andrianova, Tatyana Poznyak, and Alexander Poznyak. Adaptive modeling
of nonnegative environmental systems based on projectional differential neural networks
observer. Neural Networks, 151:156–167, 2022. DOI:
3. Olga Andrianova, Alexander Poznyak, and Isaac Chairez. Differential neural network
approximation of positive systems: An asymmetric barrier lyapunov functions approach for
learning laws design. Neurocomputing, 457:128–140, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2021.06.056
4. Olga Andrianova, Alexander Poznyak, Rita Fuentes-Aguilar, and Isaac Chairez. Rational
continuous neural network identifier for singular perturbed systems with uncertain dynamical
models. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,1–12, 2021.
5. A.A. Belov, O.G. Andrianova, A.P. Kurdyukov. Control of Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems.
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. – 169 p.